The Hub is a non-profit bike shop and community resource in Bellingham, WA. We keep bikes out of landfills and get them back on the road.
Bikes for Sale
Take a look at the used bikes we currently have available in the shop.
Community Education
We now offer educational classes on bike-focused topics like roadside maintenance, bike commuting, and more. Must register in advance: thank you!
Trash Club
Calling all volunteers: Trash Club meets on the first Sunday of each month from 1-4pm at 110 Ohio St. for bike-powered litter cleanup at Whatcom Creek. All are welcome!

About The Hub:
Our mission is to keep waste out of landfills by building refurbished and custom bikes with donated frames and parts.
Bicycles are good for us in so many ways: from our health, to the health of our environment, to the simple joy of human-powered propulsion. We hope to inspire more people to discover or rekindle their love for bikes, while also providing a valid alternative to the prevailing consumerist model.
We don’t sell junk: restoring a bike from salvage to reliable, working condition can be a long and difficult project. We work hard to ensure that the bikes we build function better than they did brand-new, blending art and mechanics to deliver road-ready bicycles with personality and high-performance functionality.
Learn More | Donate | Programs